Make yourself a Priority.At the end of the day, You are your longest Commitment.

Welcome to Heal And Rise

With the vision to equip the individuals with the skills to succeed and grow in their lives, Heal and Rise asks you to be part of this journey. Realise your potential! Associated with different NGO’s with respect to counseling services, lautering personalities across age groups. From teen to adult. Helping individuals to realize the zeal within by filling them with a warriors mental strength. Making the value system of teenagers strong enough to beat the complicities of life. Promoting and coaching a healthy life. Spreading happiness and touching lines of individuals by uplifting their personalities to the demand of the society.


With our services, we try to cater to the various needs of an individual at different phases of life. Psychological counseling aims to deal with the issues that are affecting an individuals wellbeing. The motive to provide soft skill training to school is to shape the inner and interpersonal dimension of a personality which will guide them in the encounter to life and show them a correct path. Along with that, we try to reach out to the individuals facing career dilemmas at different stages of life. With the aim to guide them in their path to career development.

If a life coaching provides guidance to individuals in the domain of professional life, personal life, and social life. As there are always some grey areas in spite of achieving in other areas of life. The personal coach guides you through this dilemma whereas training aims to iron out on a specific issue in the group. Corporate training has gained immense importance even in the years a result of competition.


Corporate culture has realized the importance of the skills needed for the individual and the company growth. Technical skills and educational qualification can secure your job but to succeed and stand out, you need to have command of your people management skills, corporate leadership, marketing psychology, negotiation skills etc. So welcome to HEAL AND RISE and let us help you.





Life SkillsTraining

Soft SkillTraining

Shape Yourself

Soft skill shape the inner as well as the outer domain of an individuals personality. These skills are essential to be shaped during teenage years, moreover, it holds utmost importance in corporate culture, to move up on the success ladder, technical skill is not enough. To boost the career growth, command over soft skills is a necessity. If categorized into personal attributes, will include optimism, sense of responsibility, integrity, and motivation. Whereas interpersonal abilities would comprise leadership, communication, sociability etc.

Plan Your Career

Planning a perfect career is extremely crucial for students in order to have a satisfaction and a Secure future. So a proper planning during initial years is essential. Career counseling sessions are important in choosing the right career option. It motivates the student to dream of higher goals and inspire you to be the best version of yourself. These sessions help in exploring career planning and job prospect, understand the market demand, valuable inputs to develop skills and develop a proper channel to help you stand out.

Attain Wellbeing

We deal with personal and professional problems across the lifespan with a focus on social, emotional, Health and developmental concerns. An individual seeks their problems with friends and families. The counselor is proficient to help you make sense of the multifaceted issues along with ensuring confidentiality. He works with individuals, couples, and groups. The ultimate goal is the achievement of psychological well-being.

Seek Guidance

A number of people’s seek guidance from life skill coach to help them achieve their full potentials. This is mainly because there are always grey areas or certain domain of an individuals life that they still need to iron out in spite of achieving in other areas of life. There are people who managed to build a successful business empire but still realize at some point that they have become unable to manage their personal life. A life coaching can be instrumental in the identification of your objective in.

Life Is A Purposeful Action. Let’s Connect

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